Placebo Publications August 2024

Today we present 12 new placebo and nocebo research papers, book chapters, comments and abstracts identified during August 2024. As usual, they are based on new PUBMED publication using the search terms „placebo“ and „nocebo“ and are hand-selected from more than 732 new publications during the preceding month. Previously published monthly updates can be found in our archive. Todays selection as well as all previously identified papers will also go into our placebo research library that currently contains around 5,400 relevant papers. If you would like to get access to the full database, please register for our newsletter and provide us with your email address and affiliation.

Ballering, A. V., Plug, I., van Zon, S. K. R., Olde Hartman, T., Das, E., & Rosmalen, J. (2024).
Different patterns of persistent somatic symptoms after COVID-19 reported by the Dutch media and the general population. J Psychosom Res, 186, 111886. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2024.111886

Balthasar, L., Brascher, A. K., Kaptchuk, T. J., Ballou, S. K., & Kube, T. (2024).
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Hope in Medicine Scale. Clin Psychol Eur, 6(1), e12001. doi:10.32872/cpe.12001

Bos, D. P. A., Keesman, M., Roggeveen, A., Vase, L., Evers, A. W. M., & Peerdeman, K. J. (2024).
Mindfulness Effects on Anxiety: Disentangling the Role of Decentering and Treatment Expectations. Behav Ther, 55(5), 1059-1070. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2024.03.004

Cummins, J., Faasse, K., Helfer, S. G., & Geers, A. L. (2024).
The development of an implicit measure of treatment expectations. J Soc Psychol, 1-17. doi:10.1080/00224545.2024.2376538

Dehghani, A., Bango, C., Murphy, E. K., Halter, R. J., & Wager, T. D. (2024).
Independent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation and social influence on pain. Pain. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003338

Guevarra, D. A., Webster, C. T., Moros, J. N., Kross, E., & Moser, J. S. (2024).
Remotely administered non-deceptive placebos reduce COVID-related stress, anxiety, and depression. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. doi:10.1111/aphw.12583

Gunter, S. J., Porter, M. L., & Kimball, A. B. (2024).
Placebo responders with moderate-to-severe hidradenitis suppurativa experience declines in inflammation as measured by C-reactive protein: a post hoc analysis of two double-blinded, randomized-controlled trials. Int J Womens Dermatol, 10(3), e171. doi:10.1097/JW9.0000000000000171

Mogil, J. S. (2024).
Placebo effect involves unexpected brain regions. Nature, 632(8027), 990-991. doi:10.1038/d41586-024-02373-x

Raghuraman, N., & Colloca, L. (2024).
Expectations and transcranial direct current stimulation-induced brain modulation: independent and additive effects on experimental pain. Pain. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003339

Riestra Guiance, I., Wallace, L., Varga, K., Niven, A., Hosey, M., Chitulangoma, J., Philbrick, K., Gajic, O., Weiman, M., Schmitt, E., Pasko, D. & Karnatovskaia, L. (2024).
Communication in the ICU: An Unintended Nocebo Effect? J Patient Exp, 11, 23743735241272148. doi:10.1177/23743735241272148

Stopper, M., Wabnegger, A., & Schienle, A. (2024).
Placebo Effects on the Enjoyment of Physical Activity and Performance among Kindergarten Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ, 14(8), 2435-2444. doi:10.3390/ejihpe14080161

Vertessen, K., Oosterlaan, J., Bet, P., Bottelier, M., Stoffelsen, R., Swanson, J. M., Wisse, A., Twisk, J. & Luman, M. (2024).
Placebo-related improvement with methylphenidate treatment in children with ADHD. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. doi:10.1007/s00787-024-02550-3

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