Placebo Publications February 2018

Today we present 24 new placebo research papers, comments and abstracts identified during February 2018. As usual, they are based on new PUBMED publication using the search terms „placebo“ and „nocebo“ and are hand-selected from more than 727 new publications during the preceding month. Previously published monthly updates can be found in our archive. Todays selection as well as all previously identified papers will also go into our placebo research library that currently contains more than 3,500 relevant papers. If you would like to get access to the full database, please register for our newsletter and provide us with your email address and affiliation.

Ballard, E. D., Yarrington, J. S., Farmer, C. A., Lener, M. S., Kadriu, B., Lally, N., Williams, D., Machado-Vieira, R., Niciu, M. J., Park, L., & Zarate Jr., C. A. (2018).
Parsing the heterogeneity of depression: An exploratory factor analysis across commonly used depression rating scales. J Affect Disord, 231, 51-57. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.01.027

Borghi, C., & Veronesi, M. (2018).
Cough and ACE Inhibitors: The Truth Beyond Placebo. Clin Pharmacol Ther. doi:10.1002/cpt.1040

Bräscher, A.-K., Witthöft, M., & Becker, S. (2018).
The Underestimated Significance of Conditioning in Placebo Hypoalgesia and Nocebo Hyperalgesia. Pain Research and Management, 2018, 1-8. doi:10.1155/2018/6841985

Chhetri, J. K., de Souto Barreto, P., Cantet, C., Cesari, M., Coley, N., Andrieu, S., & Vellas, B. (2018).
Trajectory of the MAPT-PACC-Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite in the Placebo Group of a Randomized Control Trial: Results from the MAPT Study: Lessons for Further Trials. J Prev Alzheimers Dis, 5(1), 31-35. doi:10.14283/jpad.2017.21

Cohen, A., Plonsky-Toder, M., & Tirosh, E. (2018).
The Short-Term Placebo Response in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). J Child Neurol, 883073818756403. doi:10.1177/0883073818756403

Fralick, M., Avorn, J., Franklin, J. M., Abdurrob, A., & Kesselheim, A. S. (2018).
Application and impact of run-in studies. J Gen Intern Med. doi:10.1007/s11606-018-4344-7

Hall, K. T., Loscalzo, J., & Kaptchuk, T. (2018).
Pharmacogenomics and the Placebo Response. ACS Chem Neurosci. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00078

Hoenemeyer, T. W., Kaptchuk, T. J., Mehta, T. S., & Fontaine, K. R. (2018).
Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Randomized-Controlled Clinical Trial. Sci Rep, 8(1), 2784. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-20993-y

Hofler, C., Gremsl, A., & Schienle, A. (2018).
Nocebo and pseudo-neglect: Paradoxical effects detected with eye-tracking. Int J Psychophysiol, 125, 29-34. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.01.014

Isawa, M., Tashiro, R., Naruse, C., Yamaguchi, Y., Itoh, H., Nishimura, T., Tomi, M., Shimada, H., Saito, H., Mochizuki, M., & Nakashima, E. (2018).
Effect of serotonin transporter genotype on self-reported efficacy and activity changes of brain prefrontal area in response to placebo. Pharmazie, 73(1), 35-41. doi:10.1691/ph.2018.7740

Khan, A., Fahl Mar, K., Schilling, J., & Brown, W. A. (2018).
Does the rising placebo response impact antihypertensive clinical trial outcomes? An analysis of data from the Food and Drug Administration 1990-2016. PLoS One, 13(2), e0193043. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0193043

Mak, D. N., Au, I. P., Chan, M., Chan, Z. Y., An, W. W., Zhang, J. H., Draper, D., & Cheung, R. T. (2018).
Placebo effect of facilitatory Kinesio tape on muscle activity and muscle strength. Physiother Theory Pract, 1-6. doi:10.1080/09593985.2018.1441936

Novack, G. D. (2018).
Compared to what? The placebo effect in dry eye therapy. Ocul Surf. doi:10.1016/j.jtos.2018.02.001

Richardson, M., Isbister, G., & Nicholson, B. (2018).
A Novel Treatment Protocol (Nocebo Hypothesis Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; NH-CBT) for Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder/Conversion Disorder: A Retrospective Consecutive Case Series. Behav Cogn Psychother, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1352465817000832

Sauvaget, A., Bulteau, S., Guilleux, A., Leboucher, J., Pichot, A., Valriviere, P., Vanelle, J. M., Sebille-Rivain, V., & Grall-Bronnec, M. (2018).
Both active and sham low-frequency rTMS single sessions over the right DLPFC decrease cue-induced cravings among pathological gamblers seeking treatment: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover trial. J Behav Addict, 1-11. doi:10.1556/2006.7.2018.14

Silverman, R. K., Ivanova, A., & Fine, J. (2018).
Sequential parallel comparison design with binary and time-to-event outcomes. Stat Med. doi:10.1002/sim.7635

Tetreault, P., Baliki, M. N., Baria, A. T., Bauer, W. R., Schnitzer, T. J., & Apkarian, A. V. (2018).
Inferring distinct mechanisms in the absence of subjective differences: Placebo and centrally acting analgesic underlie unique brain adaptations. Hum Brain Mapp. doi:10.1002/hbm.23999

van Bodegraven, A. A., & Boone, N. W. (2018).
Editorial: nocebo effect and switching to biosimilars. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 47(6), 850-851. doi:10.1111/apt.14509

Van Hedger, K., Keedy, S. K., Mayo, L. M., Heilig, M., & de Wit, H. (2018).
Neural responses to cues paired with methamphetamine in healthy volunteers. Neuropsychopharmacology. doi:10.1038/s41386-017-0005-5

Wanigasekera, V., Wartolowska, K., Huggins, J. P., Duff, E. P., Vennart, W., Whitlock, M., Massat, N., Pauer, L., Rodgers, P., Hoggart, B., & Tracey, I. (2018).
Disambiguating pharmacological mechanisms from placebo in neuropathic pain using functional neuroimaging. Br J Anaesth, 120(2), 299-307. doi:10.1016/j.bja.2017.11.064

Wartolowska, K., Beard, D., & Carr, A. (2017).
Blinding in trials of interventional procedures is possible and worthwhile. F1000Res, 6, 1663. doi:10.12688/f1000research.12528.2

Webster, R. K., Weinman, J., & Rubin, G. J. (2018).
Medicine-related beliefs predict attribution of symptoms to a sham medicine: A prospective study. Br J Health Psychol. doi:10.1111/bjhp.12298

Whitehouse, W. P. (2018).
A quasi-placebo may have a role in some randomised controlled trials. Trials, 19(1), 92. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2496-8

Zilcha-Mano, S., Roose, S. P., Brown, P. J., & Rutherford, B. R. (2018).
A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Placebo Responders in Late-Life Depression Trials. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. doi:10.1016/j.jagp.2018.01.001


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